Connecting for real ... crossing the boundaries ... it will all look like opening Pandora's the well known romanian author Adrian Dumitru

Today I laugh while hearing couples that they are in ... connection.

I laugh ... cause i lived with this illusion into my soul ... one million times.

But ... i listen to them.

I listen ... every word ... and try to understand if they really tell me the truth.

Recently ... speaking with my friend Manuel ... having enough of hearing him ... about his relationship without boundaries ... i've dared to tell him .... "Listen to me!

I want you to answer to me to few questions ... but honestly.

Will she allow you to stay with her in toilet while having her physiological needs?

Did you speak to her openly about your previous relationships?!

Can you speak to her about the way you made love in other previous relationships?!



If she would have a movie in her phone ... while having sex with another man from her past ... could you watch that movie together?"

Suddenly ... Manuel changed his face.

He could not believe i was so tough with him.

It all looked like i hit him with a hammer into his head.

And ... metaphorically speaking ... that's what i've done.

Somehow ... i had enough of hearing his bullshit ... realising he is actually living an illusion.

But ... i've smiled to him and continued my annoying abstract motivational speech ... "The answers to the questions i've asked are not important for me.

In fact ... it's irrelevant to hear what you have to say ... but i believe you should meditate deeper and deeper ... and answer to those questions ... to yourself."psychological games

Most probably ... Manuel disliked all what i have told me ... but ... long time ago ... while studying motivation ... autosuggestion and many other craps i realised ... i was only fooling myself trying to be optimistic and ... convince myself that i am on a beautiful path of life ... and i have to be optimistic about all what was going on.

Well .... It was all about ... "fake it ... till you make it."

But ... i was so tough with my friend ... not because i was a jerk ... but because i wanted him to know that till that point of the relationship when we really become aware that we've crossed the boundaries between 2 souls ... it's a long, long way.

And ... meanwhile it will all be like opening Pandora's box.



Download the book ”Mr & Mrs FREUD  

in love ... but still playing psychological games - 

philosophical essays” written by the romanian essayist Adrian Dumitru for FREE. 


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